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India’s Clean Fifteen

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The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a U.S.-based organization, routinely publishes the “Clean Fifteen” list, identifying foods with minimal pesticide or fertilizer residue levels. Intrigued, I endeavored to locate a comparable resource focusing on Indian fruits and vegetables. Surprisingly, such information is not readily available for India, emphasizing the divergence in farming practices, climate conditions, and consumer dietary preferences compared to the U.S.

Addressing this information gap, we have taken the initiative to create an “India’s Clean Fifteen” list tailored to the Indian context. This comprehensive compilation relies on insights gathered from farmers, local fruit and vegetable vendors, traders, and consumers nationwide. Our dedicated efforts, ongoing since October 2020, aim to ensure the accuracy and relevance of this valuable resource for Indian consumers.

NOTE: It’s crucial to note that the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in this list does not imply an absence of fertilizer or pesticide residues. Instead, these items are recognized for their natural resistance to diseases, reducing susceptibility to pests. However, it’s worth acknowledging that in India, as in many other places, conventional agricultural practices involve fixed applications of fertilizer and pesticide at regular intervals, regardless of the actual needs of the crops.

1. Onions

There are not much pests that attack onions. In case of organic farming, farmers do companion planting with other crops which are prone to pest attacks.

onion 1
mushroom cultivation farm 1

2. Mushroom

Though mushroom can be grown organically as well as non-organically.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Though root crops are more prone to pesticide contamination. Still sweet potatoes are not found to be have much pesticide residue.

sweet potato 1
Asparagus spears 1

4. Asparagus

Asparagus is native to Indian subcontinent, still it isn’t found to have much pesticide residue in it.

5. Carrots

carrot 1
radish 1

6. Radish

7. Phalsa

phalsa 1
Wood Apple 1

8. Wood Apple

9. Garlic

garlic 1

10. Colocasia (Arbi)

11. Ivy Gourd

Pineapple 1

12. Pineapple

13. Jack fruit

amla 1

14. Amla

15. Jamun

jamun 1

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